Saturday, November 04, 2006

I better watch out...

So I am up to my eyeballs in work today and the kids have been driving me BONKERS. It’s like they know when I’m stressed and just want to see what it’ll take to make me snap. Well, today it took Calvin smacking his sister on the back with a toy. I told him I was throwing his toy away because obviously, he was using if for evil and not good. He can no longer be trusted with said toy.

Well he had an absolute hissy fit. Stormed up to his room crying, screaming, stomping and wailing like a total Nancy. He was up there for a good 30-40 minutes frothing away. After a while he quietly tip-toes downstairs to deliver me a note written on his MagnaDoodle. I guess I'm just so glad he is expressing himself - it should cut down on the therapy bills later. Right?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Well the first post is always the hardest. Oooohh the pressure to be insightful or witty or worth anyone's time!

I will simply start by sharing my little treasures. I found this 'photo flicker' on PictureTrail - it is fairly simple to navigate and I highly recommend it! I am also a huge fan of Shutterfly to upload and share my photos.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

pol'len bas'ket, n. (in bees) a smooth area on the hind tibia of each leg fringed with long hairs and serving to transport pollen.

This space is not pretending to offer any major new insights on faith, parenthood, love or friendship.

Instead, the goal is to collect and disseminate a fertilizing element; to collaborate and humbly gather grains of truth, wisdom and encouragement.