Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Word of the Week

log·or·rhe·a /ˌlɔgəˈriə, ˌlɒgə-/ Pronunciation[law-guh-ree-uh, log-uh-]
1. pathologically incoherent, repetitious speech.
2. incessant or compulsive talkativeness; wearisome volubility.
log·or·rhe·ic, adjective

How I wish I had audio of my daughter this afternoon. She is in a very logorrheic phase and I am quite certain she has completely lost her ability to quiet her mouth. Whether singing, singing backwards, singing nonsense, practicing her southern accent (our babysitter is from Alabama and she loves to mimic her) or simply saying a word 15 different ways - the girl cannot quit. Today her favorite thing to repeat was 'Autobiography'. If I timed it correctly it went on for 8 solid minutes.

I have been told to be thankful, because there will come a day when she will walk in from school, not utter a word and retreat to her room until food is served.

But my ears throb, and I dare say one eardrum may be bleeding. Perhaps the main reason I like the word logorrhea so much is that it sounds like
diarrhea. Grandpa's favorite expression was "That girl's got a wicked case of diarrhea of the mouth."

It is almost an
Onomatopoeia (that is our next word class)

logorrhea diarrhea
logorrhea diarrhea logorrhea diarrhea logorrhea diarrhea


Kristina said...

LOL too funny!
I dare say my Lillie could give her a good run for your money!
Feeling your ear pain!

Anonymous said...

oh livi...i do have to say she is one of the worst cases i have had to diagnose. there is no known cure as of right now. the most popular remedy for temporary relief is duct tape.

megan haug said...

haha!! i'm not laughing at your ears bleeding, (maybe a little) but it's a funny story. ah, that was my brother. i wish i had known the word "logorrhea" at the time. where were you, shannon?? i used to always say to him "write a book about it, i'll read it later". and you might not have to worry...i was just always the retreat to my room type, but i don't think my brother ever grew out of the "logorrheic phase". Livi may be there to stay as well....

Carsen said...

I too love the word logorrhea because it sounds like diarrhea. It says in my medical terminology folder, "rrhea" means "flow or discharge."


Shannon H. said...

gross. you said 'discharge'.

Lara said...

Okay - you need a warning on your not drink any beverage while reading this post! So funny!!

angela said...

girls, watch your mouths. we hear ENOUGH about discharges and diarrhea around here on a daily basis. . .

but really, i can't wait to meet this girl!!

Amber said...

I totally understand. It's a girl thing! We've often told Madison the same thing you're father has said about having a diarrhea mouth. Madison still talks so much that just today I had to tell her, "Madison you need to just be quiet now, I'm tired of your constant talking." Girls just love to talk! I guess God blessed us women with a son as well as the talkative daughter to give us a break from the constant chatter;)

Kathy Eden said... I can so relate to this!!! Some days I actually bribe Phoebe if she's quiet for one whole minute I'll give her a dollar.

Elisabeth said...

hehe funny!

Carsen said...

What? Discharge is a good word.

Anonymous said...

that's right carsen. (however i think we are the only ones that think that..)

Angela said...

too funny!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping me keep my sanity, Shannon!! Your blog not only entertains, but is a free form of medicine for my mental state!! Thanks! Let us know if you are in the area ever. Oh- I am going to try to get some photos posted on our blog (no longer need a password to view)- we replaced the 60's countertop and are trying to tile a backsplash tonight. Did you see what color the little house is now??? You'd better check my blog..... :)
Your family is soooo gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I won't end anytime soon, have you meet Isobel?