Friday, January 25, 2008

What a Waste

Okay, I ain't no tree-huggin', granola eatin', birken-wearin', patchouli-smellin' greenie. (with long arm-pit hair to complete the stereotype) But over the last 6 months or so I have been trying to cut down on the massive amounts of junk mail I get. It drives me nuts. Not only is it a complete waste, I do not need to have temptation delivered to my mailbox.

I invite you to join me via Catalog Choice in declining receipt of unwanted catalogs and advertisements. Just enter your mailing info and then select the merchants you don't want to get stuff from. They do all the work for you after that. I'll admit it, the hardest ones for me to select were Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware...

Not all of the catalogs I get are on the website yet but it looks like more and more are added each month. I'm still waiting for World Vision to be listed - they send me stuff every month! But that is a whole other post...


Julo said...

i can't wait to do this! i've already called 1-888-2OPTOUT to quit getting credit card offers. However, the best way to stop those is to actually open them, call the 800# and ask to be taken off the mailing list. I probably did this every couple days for a month or so before I quit getting anything. I also shredded the applications. I had someone try to take out a mortgage in my maiden name with an old address and it FREAKED ME OUT. Just another reason to watch all that junk mail!

Kathy Eden said...

That's a very good idea Shannon! I'm going to do that right now.